
Welcome to my blog and I hope you find a whole lot of interesting projects here to try.

I am Terri Ann Ward; a wife and mother to 2 beautiful kids and a full-time crochet designer and creator. I’ve always loved being creative and crafty and once I discovered crochet and yarn, there was no turning back.

My style tends to lean toward rustic and minimal. You’ll find a lot of my patterns are made using 2 strands of yarn to create a chunkier look and give it more texture.

I enjoy creating in solid colors to follow the minimalism aesthetic, but that doesn’t mean you won’t see mixed colors and variegation from time to time.

I learned to crochet at a young age from my mother but gave it up for a long time. Instead, I spent many years creating macrame and also knitting. But crochet just seems to make more sense to me. I “get” crochet better than any of the other yarn arts.

This blog is fairly new, but I’d be over the moon if you all would sign up for my newsletter to receive new patterns as they are published. Please join me on this journey.

Happy crocheting everyone!

~ Terri Ann

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